Saturday, January 21, 2017

Tribute to a Beautiful Woman

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl who did not realize her true worth.  She had often been told she was pretty while her sister was told she was smart, so she thought she was not smart.  She started school at four years old so she would be a grade behind her sister (instead of two grades like she was supposed to be), and this further reinforced the feeling that she must not be smart.  As she grew, her sister loved to be away from home while she stayed home to cook and clean.  She was always very responsible.

As time went on, she chanced to see a friend whose brother was home on military leave.  The friend wanted her to meet her brother, but she did not quite feel up to doing so.  The friend pressed, and this now beautiful young woman gave in, a decision that would change the direction of her life.  For, at this meeting, she met her Prince Charming, the love of her life.  After four consecutive dates, this young woman was braver than she realized and took the step to elope with her Prince.  The two then moved far away from any family and started their adventure together, an adventure that would last 55 years.

Even though she often felt insecure about her worth and never quite smart enough or good enough, she dedicated herself to be the best wife and, eventually, mother she could be.  She even managed on her own to take care of her toddler, while pregnant with her second child and waiting the chance to join her military husband in Japan.  This beautiful woman was certainly much more capable than she realized.  So much so, that she later took care of her family through her husband’s service in Vietnam, dealing with various childhood illnesses and the like all on her own.

When her third child came, she suffered complications that scared her family that they might lose her.  Yet, she was stronger than she knew and survived to give her baby girl the chance to later tell her story.

Though the woman was insecure about her abilities, she went to college and did very well.  She earned her certificate and taught briefly as a preschool teacher.  She later served as a school librarian, a job she thoroughly enjoyed.  She often said she would have loved being a Kindergarten teacher.  The closest she came was serving as a volunteer in her daughter’s first grade class.  

This beautiful woman committed herself to the needs of others.  She later became beloved “Granny” to several children she babysat.  She helped her children with her grandchildren.  She taught lessons on the church Joy Bus and lovingly taught Sunday school for years.  This woman had such a heart for others and often invited those who were alone over for meals and to join her family during the holidays.  She was a friend to young and old alike.

Even when age, illness, and difficult life circumstances took a toll on her “happily ever after,” she still made those around her feel important and loved.  She eventually was unable to stay in her home.  It was a difficult transition, but she became such a bright light to those around her in the nursing home.  She knew many people by name and greeted everyone who passed by her door.  She prayed with and for other residents and spoke up for those who no longer had the ability to do so.  Visitors and workers would come by her room for a smile and a kind word.

It was a sad day for all, when the Lord called this beautiful woman home for her reward.  While she may never have realized how smart and strong she was and what a blessing her life was to so many, I am thankful that I was blessed to call this beautiful woman my mother. She taught me so many valuable lessons in life and instilled in me a belief that I was capable of being whatever I wanted to be in life. Most importantly, she taught me by example what love is.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! She was amazing! I'm reminded often of how blessed I am to have had her for a mother.
