Saturday, January 14, 2017

People who inspire

“You make me want to be a better man” is the line Jack Nicholson’s character tells Helen Hunt in the movie “As Good as It Gets.”  The line immediately touches the heartstrings, but for me, it also reminds me that I am (and have been) surrounded by people who live in such a way to inspire me to be a better person and a better friend.  Those who are thoughtful and give of themselves in various ways have long-inspired me to do the same, to “pay it forward” so to speak.

Years ago, when my son was little and my husband was deployed, I was blessed to have an amazing amount of support.  Two friends especially come to mind as making a difference in my life at that time.  One friend just made herself available.  In fact, the very day that my husband left on deployment, she came over just to spend time with me.  She did that a lot, and made the loneliness of being a temporary “single mom” more bearable.  Another friend, who had a child the same age, offered me to drop off my son any time I needed the break.  Neither lady would think of what they did for me as being anything special, but both of them were a huge help to me at a time of need.  As I look back, it reminds me that I can help others by being present and giving my time as they did for me.

All the ways that people reached out to my family and me when we lost my mom touched my heart more than any of them will ever know.  One such friend gave my family a special gift.  Even though she had never met my mom, she came to her memorial and took charge of the guest book.  Then she lovingly helped serve the food and stayed to help with the clean up afterward.  Her gift of time and service was a comfort and a reminder that I also need to be generous with my time as a friend.

Without going into great detail, recently, two friends have touched, encouraged, and inspired me with thoughtful and selfless acts.  One friend chose to make known a career decision earlier than she would prefer because she knew if she waited, it might have a negative impact on me.  Another friend, willingingly gave up priority for changing grade levels, so that I could have the spot I prefered.  Both examples, inspire me to remember to “not look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4)

I could go on because, thankfully, I am blessed to know many inspiring people.  The people who inspire me most probably would not think much of what they do.  Perhaps the fact they do not see themselves as inspiring, is the reason they are inspiring.  They might think that what they do is nothing big.  However, I am learning that what might be a small kindness in the giver’s eyes, can be huge to the person receiving the kindness.  I am inspired that little kindnesses can make a big difference.  I hope you will be inspired, too.