Friday, May 26, 2017

Better Because He Lived

He was humble.  He was not someone who would be remembered for amazing accomplishments or any claim to fame.  Yet, the fact that he lived and how he chose to live made a huge impact on those who knew him.  Those who knew him are better because they did.  

Dad was raised during a time when children often had to work with their parents to support their family.  I believe this helped develop a strong work ethic and sense of responsibility to help others at an early age.  He entered the Navy at a young age, further developing his sense of duty and sacrifice.

When I was a child, I thought my dad knew everything.  It seemed like he usually had an answer for any question I had.  He was an avid reader, had traveled extensively through his military service, and had a great memory.  All probably helped him be able to amaze me with his knowledge.  As I got older, I admired him more for his wisdom.

My dad was also an excellent provider for his family.  I never felt as though I lacked anything, yet we were not what most would consider rich.  In fact, I remember him once saying how he wished he could give me more.  Dad not only took care of his family, but he was also very generous to others.  He provided financial help to others, lent a hand when one was needed, gave rides, and provided a place to live to various extended family members at different times.

If you needed a laugh, my dad was sure to provide.  He had a quick wit and loved to playfully tease people.   And, he could say funny things without cracking a smile.  When I was little, there were times that I wasn’t sure if he was serious or joking.  His sense of humor was charming, and it served him well throughout his life.  In fact, one of the workers in the assisted living facility started calling him “Hercules.”  When I asked her why, she said that once she had come to his door to bring him something, and he jokingly told her she was just there to see his “herculean body.”  So the name “Hercules” stuck.

Even though my dad had heart problems for many years, he had the biggest heart of anyone I know.  His love for my mom was so tender and kind, despite the impact of dementia on her mind and behavior.   Many times in both my childhood and adulthood, I saw him show compassion to many, both strangers and those we knew.  He was consistent in putting others’ needs before his own.  And, you could not find a more devoted dad, grandfather, and great-grandfather.  It was a joy to watch him with his grandchildren and great-granddaughters.  Each knew they were deeply loved by their papa.

 His absence is greatly felt, not just by his family, but by countless friends and acquaintances as well.  I was reminded by a friend recently of just how blessed I am to have had such a good dad, and that not everyone is so lucky.  I am forever grateful to my heavenly Father for giving me such an amazing earthly father, and I look forward to the day when I can see him again.


  1. Awesome Tribute to a wonderful man!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stupendous tribute to a fantastic, inspiring person, who lived and loved well, and who was also well loved.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! You and your family were definitely loved by him, too.
