Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Little Less Crazy, PLEASE

Have you ever had a period of time when crazy, random events keep happening?  One of those times where you just want to throw up your hands and shout, “Are you kidding me?!”  The past couple of weeks have been like that for me.  It’s a good thing I have a good sense of humor.

The first strange, recent event happened after I stopped at the strawberry stand for half a flat of strawberries.  I was on my way to visit my dad, who had just come home from a stay in the hospital.  I decided to take one of the baskets to him.  As I was carrying it into his assisted living place, one of the residents, walked up to me, reached over my shoulder and said, “Let me try a strawberry,” as he proceeded to try to grab one.  I turned quickly and pulled away the basket, telling him they were for my dad.

Then, about a week later, we were at the hospital again.  This time, Dad was in the ER, and my sister and I had gone to get a coffee.  We were heading back in with said coffee, when this guy tried to grab my coffee.  Again, my quick ninja-like moves, saved my coffee, and my big sister (always my protector), yelled at the guy to leave me alone.

The last “crazy” thing, though, was definitely more upsetting.  Fast forward another week, and I was leaving my nephew’s house.  My sister and her daughter were in the car ahead of me.  I was stopping at a redlight, looked up in the rearview mirror, and noticed that the woman behind me was looking down (likely at her phone).  I caught her wide-eyed look and her mouthing the words, “Oh no” as she realized she just hit me.  I motioned for her to follow me to pull over.  She acted like she was going to pull behind me and promptly sped away.  Thankfully, there was relatively little damage to my car (which I am wanting to replace), and no damage to me (which I can’t replace).

Needless to say, I’m not sure if I just need to stay in bed for a couple of days to avoid any more craziness.  However, I am up and hopeful for what this new day might bring.


  1. THAT face is not yours and always remember that YOU are not replaceable! What a crazy world we live in....
