Sunday, February 19, 2017

Savor the Season

Living in an area that has been suffering from extended drought, recent rain has been very welcome, up to a certain point.  It is funny how it can be with weather.  When it has been raining for several days (at least in California), we are ready for sunshine.  When it is sunny and hot, we are ready for cooler weather.  It seems like no matter the season, there is always a reason to look forward to the next season.  Each one brings something we look forward to enjoying, especially when it feels like we've “enjoyed” the current season too long.  

There are also seasons of life.  One of the best pieces of wedding advice I received years ago was to not worry about the day but to focus on enjoying it fully.  The same advice can be applied to seasons of life.  Each season brings different joys and sorrows, yet instead of wanting to get through one season and on to the next, it is important to make the most of that particular season.  Soak it in because it will not last forever, and you may find you missed it.

When my family was in the midst of dealing with my mom’s dementia and varying health issues, it was a particularly trying season of life.  It made me think more about aging and grapple with some fears about what that might bring in my own life.   It also reminded me that life is fragile and tomorrow is not guaranteed.  That awareness made me want to focus more on relationships and making the most of the fleeting moments I am given.  I want to experience and savor those moments, instead of wishing I could return to a different season of life or move on to a new, “grass is greener” kind of season.    

A quote from this morning’s sermon, sums it up well, “The moments we can share heart to heart with someone are some of the best moments.”  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Observations on Love

Love is more than an emotion.  

Love is doing the hard things.

Love is losing sleep, getting up in the middle of the night to soothe a sick or scared child.

Love is changing diapers and reading the same story over and over and over again.

Love is choosing to say “no” when the easiest, though not best answer is “yes.”

Love is willingly putting someone else’s needs first.

Love is giving without expecting anything in return.

Love is doing what is right, even if it is not popular.

Love is not about you but about the one you love.

Love is simply being there.

Love is  lending a hand or an ear.

Love is the daily ins and outs of friendship, raising children, and marriage.

Love is the greatest gift.  

And the greatest gift of love was given with outstretched arms by a one and only Son of a loving Father who loved us more than we could ask, imagine, or deserve.